Accepting athlete entries through BARS?
Upload your entries below to create an owlcms registration file.

Drop your BARS registration file here
By default, the BARS categories will be reduced to just a weight class, allowing owlcms to assign all eligible categories to the athletes. Turning this option on will keep the full category, e.g., "JR F 64", ensuring the athlete will only be assigned to their most specific category.

How do I get my athlete entries from BARS?

  1. Log into BARS.
  2. Navigate to "Admin" -> "Meets".
  3. Click on your meet.
  4. Navigate to "Reports".
  5. Click the "Download" button for the Members Entries Report.

How do I use the owlcms registration file?

  1. Use the tool above to generate your owlcms registration spreadsheet.
  2. Open the spreadsheet and assign sessions to the athletes (fill in both sheets).
  3. Navigate to "Prepare Competition".
  4. Click the "Upload Completed Registration Spreadsheet" button.
  5. Upload your registration spreadsheet.